
Mine on Monday – Afternoon Light

One afternoon last month the light coming in through the bedroom window was perfect! I dropped what I was doing, pulled out a few props and spent 10 minutes taking photos.  As much as I love taking photos of my children, sometimes I wish I had more photos of me with them.  Some of my favorite photos of all time are of my mom with me when I was young.  They’re just quick snapshots, but I love them.  I decided to pull out the tripod and my remote for a few.  I didn’t think about my hair or makeup, just about having one of those photos for my baby girl to look at when she’s all grown up and has children of her own. Quick and simple, but I adore the results.

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  • Melissa WollmanApril 15, 2013 - 9:14 pm

    LOVE!!! She’s just gorgeous, Katie!ReplyCancel

  • MaggieJune 12, 2013 - 5:57 am

    So sweet Katie! You’re right; gorgeous light! Love the ones of the two of you. Our middle daughter sucked those same two fingers.ReplyCancel

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